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Review: Giant Prime E +3

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Dave Atkinson

Dave lives at the top of a big hill and his office is at the bottom, so he's all in favour of a helping hand. Plus, e-bikes are fun! He's the editor of ebiketips and one of the founders of EBT's road cycling sister site, He used to work on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike back in the day, and he's a former mountain bike bog snorkelling World Champion. Really.


5 years 5 months ago

Update - So I have had this bike for 2 years now. Not sure if this model is still made. Generally I have been happy with this ebike. Some gripes are I only get 22 miles from the 317Wh battery [ i.e. from fully charged to 1 bar - dont want to risk it further]so I've bought a spare-I think it was £350. BUT I'm 78 with some health problems and need to use the bike on the top power setting. I also miss the twist grip 4mph walk mode [ which my MP has told me is still legal in the UK - but which manufacturers are reluctant to get permission for] as thats useful for the Disabled and people of my ilk. It was particularly useful when using gates and to get around barriers and at lights.

6 years 5 months ago

Thanks for the review. Just bought one of the last few 2017 bikes of this model and I based my purchase on your review.  You are spot on with the points you make and I am very pleased with my purchase. Thanks and keep up the good work!

7 years 3 months ago

 I have just bought one of these bikes. I read the review hoping to find out how noisy the motor is. Only mine does have a distint whine most of the time. I have had ebikes before where the motor was much quieter

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