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“Chaos could be coming our way” – Adrian Chiles asks whether e-bikes are “a new menace in need of tighter regulation” on BBC Panorama

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Alex Bowden

Alex has been editor of ebiketips since 2021, switching to a world with motors after seven years working on sister site, where he contributed news, reviews and the occasional feature. These days he combines his road riding with electric bike testing and a dash of ongoing cricket writing (his first book's due out in 2025).


1 month 15 hours ago

Confusion by the general public between eBikes and eMotorcycles must be solved by construction and use regulations that don't allow a crank and pedals on eMotorcycles. If it goes from a throttle its not a bicycle and must not be confused with a bicycle. 

Of course the daily fail and clueless consumer journalism will be lazy and try to confuse them, but the difference is visible..

1 month 16 hours ago

So we know what the rules are for e-bikes but he claims there aren't any rules. No - there just isn't proper enforcement of the rules.

1 month 2 days ago

It's a case of very little enforcement. I ride the excellent-ish cycleways system in Milton Keynes (Redways) and in any one journey, see several illegal e-bikes, or emopeds, plus numerous illegal scooters. I have had several near misses in the last couple of years, having to steer my bike into the bushes to avoid being hit at 30 mph ! I have not seen any police presence on the Redway since the late 1990s, just cops in cars on the road. Zero enforcement here 

1 month 2 days ago

Well, Panorama was even worse than I expected.  Almost completely negative, totally unbalanced and biased.  No authoritative voices, just a Telegraph reporter adopting the Farage trick of just asking questions about how many people are killed by ebikes.  No attempt to put the risks into context or compare and contrast with the risks from motor vehicles.  Nobody from a cycling organisation, almost no facts, and lots of opinion and assumption.  A single bloke interviewed for ten seconds saying how good they are, all the rest was negative.  I'll be submitting a complaint on the grounds of lack of balance, bias and anything else I can find in the BBC editorial guidelines.  After what must be thousands of articles about electric cars, obesity, health, pollution and congestion (all of which are tackled by ebikes) all they can come up with is this trash.

1 month 2 days ago

To be fair, nothing raised in the programme was wrong. Sensationalised, perhaps.  But illegal E "motor" bikes and badly ridden e hire bikes are an issue.  I personally know of 3 analog riders who have serious injuries caused by collisions with these vehicles.  Yes it almost pales into insignificance compared to the toll from cars, HGVs etc, but that doesn't make it right and the perception is applied to all users of two wheels by those that they come into contact with.

1 month 2 days ago


"The law says you've got to be at least 14 to ride an e-bike and for it to be road legal, it can’t have a motor more powerful than 250W. And that motor should only work while you’re pedalling, not by pressing a button.”



For his part, Chiles says he can see the benefits of e-bikes, but “in the absence of clear, enforceable rules, chaos could be coming our way.”



So ... he tells us the Law and then states that there aren't any? 

Hmm... seems somewhat ... contradictory... to me.

Cynical bastard that I am thinks that not going through the law until later in the show is a deliberate mechanism to hide the fact that there are Laws, and the closing statement makes the viewer completely forget that the Laws were gone through earlier.

Given that the program is likely to be watched by the anti-cyclist knuckle-draggers, I wonder if my cynicism is misplaced.


1 month 2 days ago

I feel a complaint coming on.  The BBC are famous for their anti-bike bias and this is just another example.  They have had thousands of articles about electric cars, but none of them have focussed mainly on the risks they pose, a much greater risk than legal ebikes.

Neither have I seen/heard anything positive about ebikes from the BBC ever, despite the incredible benefits, just this piss poor piece of click bait, designed to foment argument and disagreement.

1 month 2 days ago

Think I'll make it my New Year Resolution not to watch this sort of crap.

1 month 2 days ago

From one of the local to me shops on your where to buy e-bikes which offers a de restrcting service for off road private land use of course.

"“Remember, with great power comes great responsibility!!!!” If you decide to de-restrict your eBike, please be careful and always follow the Highway Code." ???


1 month 2 days ago

An e-bike with a throttle is not illegal if it is from 2016 or earlier.

1 month 2 days ago

JFC.  How low has the award winning Panorama sunk if its using scrapings from the bottom of the journalistic barrel like Chiles?   Stick to your pointless Guardian opinion column you useless numpty.

1 month 2 days ago

Betteridge's law applies here

1 month 2 days ago

You can take the reporter out of the News of the World, but you can't take the News of the World out of the reporter.

Still, I'm sure the famous BBC Balance™ means there will be a programme on at the same time next week, entitled Cars: The Battle For Our Streets, in which the motorcar is portrayed as a "menace" for 27 of the 29-minute runtime.