A Belgian firm has come up with a parking rack where you can recharge your e-bike. Street Waves’ HAVN parking locker is also designed so that you can stash a bunch of your stuff in it – like your helmet, for example.
As e-bikes become more popular, we’re seeing a host of innovations when it comes to parking and charging.
Last week we reported on the Tiler, which offers wireless charging through the kickstand. This week we’ve got the HAVN – essentially a secure bike rack that offers charging and storage space.
It’s a pretty simple design with the lid of the 55-litre storage box secured with the same lock you use to secure your bike.
There are a couple of nice touches though, such as a strip of wood on the face of the bracket to protect the bike's paint from scratches.
There’s also a fitting at the bottom of the unit to keep your front wheel straight and a mirror in the storage box so that you can set yourself straight if you’ve just arrived for a meeting or a date or whatever.