Italian braking specialists blubrake have unveiled what they claim is the world's first anti-locking braking system (ABS) specifically made for e-cargo bikes. It was shown off at the International Cargo Bike Festival in Groningen, and promises to offer the most safe and powerful braking on the market for electric-assist cargo bikes with heavy loads.
The system helps the front wheel from locking and skidding, something which is a constant risk for e-cargo bikers with heavy loads that can seriously affect handling. blubrake say: "With the advent of electric bikes, the cargo world quickly took on an increasingly important role in the sustainable urban mobility sector, both in terms of people and goods transport. Power-assistance has become hugely popular because of its ease and convenience but this also created the need to focus on improving safety as cargo e-bikes can reach quite high speeds."
blubrake say designing ABS that would work with two,three and four-wheeled e-cargo bikes with loads on any number of areas on the bike proved a particular challenge for their R+D department; but they believe the end product will become a must for e-cargo bikers in the future.
The blubrake ABS is made up of four key components: an electro-hydraulic actuator, which is connected to the e-bike’s braking system, a control unit connected to the battery, a speed sensor which monitors speed 100 times a second for any possible wheel lock risks, and a user interface that displays all the main system information. The control unit uses algorithms and speed sensor readings to monitor the e-bike dynamics and pick up on any possible risks that might arise if the cyclist is forced to brake sharply. If this happens, the blubrake ABS intervenes and continuously controls the hydraulic pressure of the front brake to guarantee smoother braking, making the e-bike much more stable and easier to handle, which in turn should reduce the risk of the bike flipping over in the worse-case scenario.
We'll be keen to see if e-cargo bike manufacturers start partnering up with blubrake in the not-too-distant future...