Not many e-cargo bikes are folders. Fewer still are photoluminescent. French firm Calendar Bikes is therefore exploring one of the less competitive niches with its Longtail Max.
By their very nature, e-cargo bikes tend to be sizeable, robust things. The Longtail Max is no exception.
What this means is you aren’t exactly going to be getting the smallest package once it’s folded. This definitely isn’t the sort of bike you’ll be neatly tucking away when travelling on public transport.
At 29.5kg, you’ll be in no hurry to carry it – and in fact it isn’t really designed to be carried. Once folded, you’re supposed to flip it upside-down and roll it around on small wheels fitted to the side rails.
It looks a pretty quick fold, at least.
Unfolded, the Longtail Max is rated for up to 200kg of load. It comes with a rear hub motor, a 360Wh battery, Shimano 7-speed gears and disc brakes – plus that glow-in-the-dark paint job.
The bike costs €3,990. There’s also a €4,590 Longtail Max Plus option that comes with a padded bench seat for passengers, a suspension seat post and footrests.